About Us

Date of the conference: 9. 11. 2024

Organizer: Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu

Venue: Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences

On-line: Will be here soon

Deadline for submission of contribution applications: 3. 11. 2024

The interdisciplinary anthropological-archaeological conference “Connected By People” is primarily intended for students of doctoral study programs in anthropology and archaeology. Those interested can present the results of their diploma theses, preliminary results and partial findings of their dissertations or preliminary conclusions and results of solved projects as part of their contributions. Authors can present their contributions in the form of a presentation (max. 15 minutes) or a poster (Presentations (PowerPoint, PDF) or posters must be prepared in English). The conference languages are English, Czech and Polish.  

Authors of contributions will have the opportunity to discuss their work with other students and experts in the field. The output of the annual conference will be an online collection of abstracts with published contributions and authors’ biographies. Application submission conditions:

Materials for the contribution

  1. Name and affiliation of the author
  2. Post title
  3. Abstract of the contribution (max. 700 characters)
  4. CV of the author (max. 400 characters)
  5. Photo of the author (JPG)

Documents are required in English

Please send the necessary documents to cbp.conference@gmail.com

The conference is charged in the amount of 100 zł (Polish złoty). Pay the amount to the account:

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
ul. C.K. Norwida 25
50-375 Wrocław
PKO BP S.A. Wrocław
account number for domestic payment: 62 1020 5242 0000 2102 0029 2045
IBAN for foreign payment: PL62102052420000210200292045

Enter 09-D030/0002/24 and first and last name in the note.

University of West Bohemia – Alma mater to thousands of students

Statistical evidence proves that the University of West Bohemia is one of the most successful universities in the Czech Republic. We do, however, have a more visible criterion: the admirable successes of our students in many technical fields, humanities, arts, and the field of health care. We do our best to nurture our students’ talents and abilities.

We do not close ourselves off to the surrounding world. Every student has a chance to build his/her own study programme according to their interests, to get excellent language training, study abroad, get involved in research programmes, and put their knowledge to the test.

And we will be equally happy if our students remember the students’ festivals, victories in sports, open-air concerts, or just moments spent with friends drinking draught beer. We prepare our students for life in all its fullness.

The Department of Archeology

The Department of Archeology provides education especially in prehistoric, medieval and modern archeology. Many of its teachers are prominent scientists. Our graduates gain a deep understanding of the artefact heritage of the past and its significance for modern humanity and at the same time acquire a wide range of knowledge and skills not provided by other social sciences. One of our main goals is to educate specialists for work in archeology and related disciplines and the preparation of students for further education in archeology.

The Department of Archeology is a research center similar to those of Western European universities. It develops research in theoretical and practical archeology, deals with problems of archaeological methodology, spatial and non-destructive archeology, the creation of complex archaeological databases and the processing of spatial archaeological data using geographic information systems.

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu

Zakład  Antropologii Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu powstała 1 października 2009 roku. Funkcjonuje jako jednostka Instytutu Biologii Środowiskowej na Wydziale Biologii i Hodowli Zwierząt. Zaklad zajmuje okazały budynek z wieloma pomieszczeniami dydaktycznymi i pracowniami. Działalność dydaktyczna rozpoczęła się wraz z powstaniem jednostki w roku akademickim 2009/2010 i utworzeniem na kierunku Biologia studiów stacjonarnych drugiego stopnia o specjalności Biologia człowieka. Od października 2014 r. uruchomione zostały pierwsze w Polsce 3-letnie studia licencjackie na kierunku Biologia człowieka, a od roku akademickiego 2017/18 2-letnie studia magisterskie z trzema ścieżkami dydaktycznymi: Środowisko pracy i BHP, Antropologia kryminalistyczna oraz Antropologia biomedyczna.

Główne zagadnienia oraz tematy badawcze, którymi zajmują się pracownicy Zakładu Antropologii to:Przebieg ontogenezy w zależności od czynników środowiskowych

• Badania ludzkich populacji pradziejowych oraz historycznych

• Biologia współczesnych populacji ludzkich

• Ergonomia korekcyjna oraz ergonomia koncepcyjna

• Biologiczne aspekty kryminalistyki

• Paleontologia

• Archeologia

The Department of Anthropology

The Department of Anthropology of the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław was established on October 1, 2009. It functions as a unit of the Institute of Environmental Biology at the Faculty of Biology and Animal Science. The Department occupies an impressive building with many teaching rooms and studios. The didactic activity began with the establishment of the unit in the academic year 2009/2010 and the creation of full-time second-cycle studies in the field of Biology, specializing in Human Biology. From October 2014, the first 3-year bachelor’s studies in the field of Human Biology were launched in Poland, and from the 2017/18 academic year, 2-year master’s studies with three educational paths: Work environment and OHS, Forensic Anthropology and Biomedical Anthropology.

The main issues and research topics that the employees of the Department of Anthropology deal with include:

• The course of ontogenesis depending on environmental factors

• Studies of prehistoric and historical human populations

• Biology of modern human populations

• Corrective ergonomics and conceptual ergonomics

• Biological aspects of forensics

• Palaeontology

• Archeology

Dr hab. Barbara Kwiatkowska, Prof. Uczelni

Contact: barbara.kwiatkowska@upwr.edu.pl

Dr Jacek Szczurowski, Prof. Uczelni

Contact: jacek.szczurowski@upwr.edu.pl

Dr. Paweł Konczewski

Contact: paweł.konczewski@upwr.edu.pl

Dr. Katarzyna Graja

Contact: katarzyna.graja@upwr.edu.pl

Mgr. Katarzyna Biernacka

Contact: katarzyna.król@upwr.edu.pl

Mgr. Klementyna Mackiewicz

Contact: klementm@kar.zcu.cz

Mgr. Markéta Pešková

Contact: mpeskova@kar.zcu.cz

Mgr. Atilla Vatansever

Contact: atillav@kar.zcu.cz

Mgr. Aneta Gołębiowska-Tobiasz Ph.D.

Contact: koczownicy@koczownicy.pl

Mgr. Jana Caisová

Contact: jancis@rek.zcu.cz

Mgr. Lada Heřmanová

Contact: ladah@kar.zcu.cz